Providing comprehensive services in the capital market for more than 40 years.
As a one-stop financial solution with the vision to be the most valuable securities house, BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (BRIDS) has maintained an excellent track record and extensive experience in the capital market as an underwriter, broker, and financial advisor for individual, institutional, foreign and domestic, private and government clients.
Established in 1992, PT Danareksa Sekuritas is a securities company that performs activities as a securities broker, underwriter, or arranger and financial advisor. By the end of December 2018, a majority of BRIDS shares is held by PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI), Indonesia’s largest bank. BRIDS is the oldest securities company that is affiliated with the government through the Ministry of SOE.
BRI Danareksa Sekuritas memperoleh izin usaha sebagai perantara pedagang efek dan penjamin emisi efek dari Bapepam-LK berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No. KEP-291/ PM/1992 dan No. KEP-292/PM/1992 tanggal 16 Oktober 1992.

The Most Valuable Securities House In Indonesia
- Focus on developing the retail market by providing the best service for customers in investing.
- Provide added value for retail and institution investors to achieve the best results in their investment activities with the support of reliable research, technology and human resources.
- Becoming corporate partner to access unlimited funding through Investment Banking activities.
- Providing alternative solutions and recommendations for corporations to improve performance and value creation through comprehensive financial advisory services.
- Ensuring operational excellence to improve service quality, supported by good corporate governance and risk management.
Guidance to Build A Strong Corporate Culture to Achieve Company's Vision
BRI One Culture is used as a guideline to implement and build a strong corporate culture to achieve the company's vision. BRI One Culture consists of Core Values Akhlak, BRILian Belief, and BRILian Ways as key behaviors that are able to encourage the achievement of company performance.
BRI One Culture
BRI One Culture is formed from Core Values Akhlak, BRILian Belief and BRILian Ways.
BRI One Culture is formed from Core Values Akhlak, BRILian Belief and BRILian Ways. Core Values Akhlak along with its behavioral guidelines overshadow BRILian Belief and BRILian Ways which are key behaviors to support the achievement of Company Performance.
The main values of HR within the scope of BUMN are the identity and glue of work culture
Upholding the trust give.
Continuous learning and develop capabilities.
Caring and appreciating differencies.
Dedicated and prioritizing the interest of the Nation and State.
Continue innovating and be enthusiastics in moving or facing change.
Building a synergistic cooperation.
The main behavior of BRILiaN to support the achievement of the best performance
- BRILian is honest, sincere and complies with regulations
- BRILian is capable and reliable, continues to learn, develop himself and others (continuous learner)
- BRILian works thoroughly with full responsibility and is oriented towards the best performance
- BRILiaN builds productive collaborations
- BRILian is open and respects diversity (respect to diversity)
- BRILian is proactive, adaptive, innovative and oriented towards sustainable growth
- BRILian empathizes with understanding customer needs and providing services beyond expectations
- BRILian cares for the community and the environment